Indigenous Automatic Landing System Accepted on ANKA UAV
March 26, 2018Latvia To Buy Puma UAS
March 28, 2018SSIK Convenes
The Defence Industry Executive Committee (SSİK) is expected to convene on 29 March 2018 under the chairmanship of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. According to the information obtained by C4Defence, serial production tender for the Altay Main Battle Tank is at the top of on the agenda, but it is not yet clear whether a decision on this item will be taken. The latest developments on the Altay Tank were discussed in SSİK dated 31 January as well, which was gathered for the first time under the presidency of President Erdoğan. Since the last SSİK, OTOKAR, FNSS and BMC have submitted their Best and Last Offers (BAFOs) twice in February and March. The last BAFO was issued on March 9th.
According to the information obtained, the committee was scheduled to meet on Tuesday, 27 March, however, postponed on 23 March.