Domestic Engine’s Test Centre Ready for Use
January 2, 2021
1 Billion Euro Exports from Germany to the Middle East
January 4, 2021New Exports from Turkey to the Philippines

FNSS will provide stabilized one-man turrets production, integration and logistics support services to the Philippine Army. The company also announced that Armoured Amphibious Combat Earthmover (AACE)’s first exports will be to the Philippines.

One-man turrets of different calibre armaments were the choice of Philippine Army against products of the world’s renown companies with the cost effectiveness and superior technical features.
The turrets, which will be produced at FNSS plants, will then be delivered to the user in the Philippines. Some admissions test will be conducted in Turkey and some in the Philippines. In October 2021, it is planned to finish the installation of turrets on vehicles and to complete training and logistics support services as of December 2021.

AACE, which is also in the inventory of the Turkish Armed Forces, will be exported abroad for the first time. Vehicles are scheduled to be delivered, training and logistics support services completed by March 2023.