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April 25, 2017Seoul, New Delhi To Cooperate in Shipbuilding
April 27, 2017Unexpected Farewell
It has been revealed that the general manager and two deputy general managers of the Turkish Armed Forces Foundation (TSKGV) have taken their farewell of the foundation yesterday. Names and their place of duty are as follows; TSKGV General Manager, Retired Lieutenant General Orhan Akbaş; administrative services and deputy general manager responsible for IDEF, Retired Major General Veysi Sunal; Deputy General Manager responsible for financial institutions, Retired Major General Atilla Gürdere. Having been the founder of the defence companies serving the Turkish Armed Forces such as ASELSAN, TAI, ROKETSAN, HAVELSAN, this change in the management of the foundation before IDEF'17 created an unexpected situation. IDEF will open its doors to professionals in 13 days.