QinetiQ Grows
October 25, 2018
New Product from Milkor
October 27, 2018Raytheon Moving Fast

US-based company, Raytheon has reported two important news.
The first of these is from Mexico. Company has delivered the RIM-116 RAM (Rolling Airframe Missile) Block 2 systems which ordered by Mexico. System will be used on the POLA (Patrulla Oceánica de Largo Alcance) platforms built for the Mexican Navy. RAM system is developed for intercepting enemy anti-ship threats. Block 2 models have a more powerful engine, more advanced control unit and radio frequency receiver. RAM is actively involved in 165 ships in eight countries' inventory. Ada Class Corvettes, which are in the inventory of the Turkish Navy, also have the RIM-116 RAM missile.
Another one is announced by the Republic of Korea concerns the RIM-67 SM-2 missiles. The Republic of Korea conducted a five test launches with SM-2 missiles during the summer training and exercise activities. Among these missiles, Block IIIA and B models, which is an advanced model of the system, are also included.