LRASM Delivered
December 24, 2018First Step for Pakistani Frigate
December 27, 2018“New Player in Counterterrorism: Artificial Intelligence” Panel Started
New Player in Counterterrorism: Artificial Intelligence, organized by the STM Thinktech, began today at Sheraton Ankara. The event started with the opening speech of STM General Manager Murat İkinci and continued with the panel of Journalist Hakan Çelik. As a panelist; President of Defense Industry Dr. İsmail Demir, Chief of the General Staff General Plan Principles, Major General Reha Ufuk Er, President of the Digital Transformation Office of the President. Ali Taha Koç, President of TÜBİTAK BİLGEM Dr. Hacı Ali Mantar and Bilkent University Faculty Member Dr. Ersel Aydınlı expresses his views on the subject. Prof. Demir emphasizes that the most important issue in the fight against terrorism is intelligence, and then how the information obtained will be processed and how to store it; every system to be developed would be as capable as the people who developed it. Demir also heralded the acceptance of 40 KARGU Striking UAVs as part of the security forces' needs. The major general, Turkey is at war every day, and that requires perfection waiting for battle, intelligence, stated that they urgently need to robotic technology in all areas such as logistics.