Special ASELSAN Magazine dedicated to Cyprus Peace Operation
July 19, 2018
New COMINT System from the UK
July 21, 2018New Coastal Defence System at Pacific

The US Army tested the new mobile coastal defence system. During the practice of Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC), a tests launchs from a coastal version of the Kongsberg production Naval Strike Missile (NSM) system made. Test launches carried out at Pacific Missile Range Facility Barking Sands, Hawaii and missiles hit the target ship. On this count, the US Army tested a fifth generation mobile coastal defence system first time.
The HEMTT truck-mounted version of the NSM system was developed with Kongsberg and Raytheon co-operation in 2015. Companies signed a teaming agreement in 2016, and then it was put into production phase. According to Raytheon data, the missile has a reduced radar cross section. The precision guided system, which can fly sea or ground skimming to avoid being caught by radars, has a range of 200 kilometers.