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March 23, 2018ASELSAN’s ASELPOD Seen on Pakistani JF-17
ASELSAN's ASELPOD was seen on JF-17 before Pakistan's Military Day celebrations to be held tomorrow. defencedotpk, a popular Twitter account in Pakistan's defence field, has released an image of the Pakistan Air Force's JF-17 flying with the ASELSAN ASELPOD Targeting pod. In the Twitter post, ASELPOD was declared operational. The same pod appeared with the same visual in Turkish media with “tests started” statement.
the Pakistan Air Force has become the first export customer for ASELSAN's ASELPOD's, which offers precision targeting. The systems developed with domestic technology in the project are being used on JF-17 aircraft that Pakistan has designed jointly with China.
ASELSAN signed a $25 million deal with Pakistan for 16 ASELPODs in June 2016. This agreement was followed by a second batch of 16 orders in 2017.
Attached to the bottom of the aircraft, ASELPOD tracks up to eight targets simultaneously on infrared or daytime cameras.