Russia modernize Indian Project 877EKM submarines
Ocak 12, 2016
Hürkuş “olgunluk” sınavına hazırlanıyor
Ocak 14, 2016Radical appointment at head of SSM

is learned that Undersecretary for Defence Industries (SSM) Professor Ismail
Demir left his post due to his poor health conditions. Former Director General
& Chairman of the Board, (General Dırectorate Of State Aırports Authorıty
Of Turkey (DHMI) Serdar Hüseyin Yildirim is appointed to replace Demir. Yildirim
was born in 1961 in Istanbul but he is originally from Rize. He is graduated
from Kadıköy Maarif College in 1978. He started his university education in
Istanbul at Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Aeronautics and transferred
to Technical University of Berlin (Faculty of Transportation Sciences &
Aerospace Sciences) where he was awarded his Master’s Degree on Airline
Management. He served his military service at Turkish Air Force in 1987-1989.
He started his career in airline management and worked for 12 years for several
airline companies and performed as project consultant at abroad, visited 120
countries in the World. He thought airline management at Kadir Has University, Istanbul)
he was appointed Director General & Chairman of the Board, (General Directorate
of State Airports Authority Of Turkey (DHMI) in March 2015. Mr. Yıldırım is
married with four children. He is fluent in English and German.