China’s New Destroyer In Her First Live-Firing Drill
April 17, 2017Iran Tests Its ‘Conqueror’
April 19, 2017Weight Restriction of F-35 Pilots May Be Lifted
The US Air Force (USAF) is on the verge of deciding whether to proceed with Martin-Baker ejection seat on the F-35A, of which the U.K. firm spent more than a year fixing and testing to ensure they meet USAF's requirements. The service had to prohibit pilots weighing less than 136 pounds from flying the F-35A since 2015 due to issues with the aircraft's pilot escape system, and has been contemplating integrating a different ejection seat manufactured by United Technologies. However, Martin-Baker and Lockheed Martin submitted the new test results to USAF recently, which may change the course of events if the service be convinced that all the issues have been addressed to lift weight restrictions.