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October 3, 2017The Saudi Impact on Africa
Africa is on the brink of a serious collapse in the face of Jihadi Wahhabism inspired by Saudi Arabia, crises in Qatar and Yemen forcing to choose sides, plus socio-economic and ecological plight caused by Saudi-
financed agricultural activities. Against the backdrop of Africa’s eternal fight against famine, unemployment and instability, Saudi Arabia only serves to exacerbate problems for all parties involved.
Against the backdrop of religious brotherhood and trade between the Arabian Gulf and the African Continent, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia seeks to broaden its sphere of influence around the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. Beginning with the 19th century and particularly during the Cold War, Riyadh has sought to spread Wahhabism to counter communist and Shiite expansion. Today, another objective is to prepare its economy for the post-oil era and to ensure food security. Although trade volume with the Black Continent is negligible; Riyadh’s infrastructure, transportation and telecommunication investments in this region, buying and renting agricultural land particularly in the Horn of Africa and hundreds and thousands of Africans working as cheap labourers in this country, are other interactions between Saudi Arabia and Africa.