APKWS to Nigeria
February 7, 2019
Korea to Deliver new LSV to Norway
February 9, 2019Russia’s Return to Africa

So far, Russia’s presence in Africa has been brief and limited as compared to heavy involvement of colonial Western powers. However, there are still enduring signs of impact…
In late December, the United States proclaimed its new strategy on Africa. The main argument was based on the urgency of protecting US interests in the Continent against the unlawful expansionism of China and Russia. For this purpose, the strategy calls for deepening economic, political and security relations with regional countries. Washington’s Africa policy does not only entail “carrots” but also “sticks.” It was underscored that “Countries that repeatedly vote against the United States in international forums, or take actions counter to US interests should not receive generous American foreign aid.” Coupled with NATO’s increasing involvement in Africa in terms of both strategy and engagement against the background of efforts to restructure this institution according to new perceptions of risks and threats, it becomes necessary to put the Dark Continent under focus.