Seventh LCS Delivered to USN
March 5, 2018
$475M Software Development Award to Northrop
March 7, 2018
Seventh LCS Delivered to USN
March 5, 2018
$475M Software Development Award to Northrop
March 7, 2018
Romania In Search for New Corvettes

Romania launched the program to buy four new corvettes for its Navy to boost its presence in the Black Sea. The first vessel will be built within a maximum period of three years with the entire procurement is to be completed within seven years.

The first phase of the procurement will be the qualification stage will take place over a period of 56 calendar days following the publication date of the call for participation which is 26 February. Then Romania will proceed to the dialogue phase to be followed with evaluation of the offers. The acquisition is estimated to be worth $2 billion. 

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