JASSM-ER Declared Operational on F-15Es
February 8, 2018
Two Black Hawk for Gendermarie
February 10, 2018OTOKAR Emphasis on Being Entirely Local

OTOKAR, who submitted its Best and Final Offer (BAFO) on the Altay main battle to the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries (SSM) yesterday, has released an announcement. The company emphasized the fact that they were the only entirely-local company among competitors that submitted proposals for the project. In the announcement that read “Otokar is the only Turkish land systems manufacturer without any foreign partners”, the following statements were made;
“The absence of a foreign partner allows us to be independent in international tenders, as well as at home; this fact enhances Altay's export potential and makes it easier for our national tank to serve in friendly and allied armies. Otokar's proposal is in a timely response to the urgent need of the Turkish Armed Forces. We have completed all the preparations for the mass production of the Altay MBT which will open a new page in Turkey's defence industry. We have designed all platforms to have the infrastructure that we can easily adapt to evolving technologies and respond better and easily to emerging threats.