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The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which was established at the very beginning of the Cold War against the Soviet threat, is expanding.
In the past few weeks, the Spanish Parliament approved the NATO membership of North Macedonia and completed the last international step in this process. Following the completion of the necessary procedures, NATO raised the Flag of North Macedonia with a ceremony on 30 March in front of the headquarters and where the flags of the countries were waving. Jens Stoltenberg announced the event with “This is a historic moment for North Macedonia. It comes after years of perseverance, determination, and commitment to reform. In the best spirit of the Alliance, and through political courage and vision, North Macedonia and Greece reached a historic compromise over the name issue. The Prespa agreement made NATO accession possible. It has also contributed to good neighborly relations and a brighter future for North Macedonia. Your hard work has made today possible. Joining NATO is good for North Macedonia. It is good for the stability of the Western Balkans and it is good for international peace and security. At times like these, friends and Allies are more important than ever and North Macedonia now has the best friends and Allies in the world. We are all safer and stronger together than alone. So, welcome to NATO. ” phrases.
Approval of all members is required to join a new ally in NATO. Following the decision to be taken unanimously in the general assembly, the allied countries must approve the participation of the new member in their own parliaments. In the past few weeks, Spain has approved the necessary article in its parliament, and the last step to join Northern Macedonia 's alliance was also completed. In NATO's headquarters in Brussels and Norfolk, Virginia, there are areas where the flags of all member states are waved the flag of North Macedonia also raised.