Russian Replacement To US-made Aircraft
June 8, 2017F-35A Oxygen Problem
June 10, 2017Dumping Surprise to Boeing
Canada has decided to pull back external link from its plan to procure 18 F/A-18 Super Hornet fighters as an interim replacement for its CF-18 successor program. Instead, the Liberal government of Justin Trudeau has unveiled a new defense plan which calls for 88 new fighters for the Royal Canadian Air Force – an increase from the previous government’s plan to purchase 65 jets – and to recapitalise the Lockheed Martin CP-140 Aurora anti-submarine warfare and surveillance fleet. The decision of the government came after Boeing accused Bombardier of “dumping” its CSeries jet onto the US market.
Canada is planning to invest in intelligence, surveillance and reconaissance platforms as well as warplanes. In this frame, the supply of remote-controlled unmanned aerial vehicles will be on the agenda. The new document includes a new generation strategic aerial refueling and transport aircraft acquisition. In conjunction with this, the CC-150 Polaris aircraft which is based on Airbus A-310 and Havilland Canada CC-138 transport aircraft will also be divested. The Canadian government is also considering replacing the CP-140 Aurora maritime surveillance aircraft with a new generation multi-role platform.