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January 17, 2018Deal Inked on National Defence System
ASELSAN today issued a contract announcement on the development of a national long-range defence system. According to the announcement, a national long-range defence system project contract was signed between partnership ASELSAN, ROKETSAN, TUBITAK SAGE and the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries on January 15th.
Under the contract, the share of ASELSAN is 869 million 13 thousand 861 TL and 279 million 257 thousand 600 Euros, while deliveries will be realized in 2021. Turkey, while in process of purchasing S-400 air defence system from Russia, recently signed a cooperation agreement with French-Italian partnership EUROSAM in the field of technology. Under the agreement, ASELSAN and ROKETSAN will work together for 18 months regarding technology development in cooperation with EUROSAM. ASELSAN and ROKETSAN have long been working together on Turkey's national air defence system, HISAR.