Competition Continues in Hürjet’s Engine
January 1, 2020Boran is Ready for Qualification
As part of the Air Transportable Towed Howitzer Project with MKEK as the contractor, Boran howitzer is about to be completed. The system is ready for qualification tests.
All the parameters of the system will be subjected to extensive trials within the scope of the tests planned to start in May. Boran's parameters such as road and movement, positioning, braking will be tested in the process planned to be carried out in two stages, with and without firing. In the firing stage, firing parameters will be tested under hot and cold weather, dusty and sandy conditions, and under heavy rain. If there are no problems in the process of evaluating the range, distribution and mechanical properties, acceptance tests will be carried out. Thus, after all phases planned to be completed in autumn, the delivery process of the howitzer will begin.