Ukranian engine for Turkish MBT Altay
March 27, 2017
Russia Speeds Up Minesweeping
March 29, 2017
Ukranian engine for Turkish MBT Altay
March 27, 2017
Russia Speeds Up Minesweeping
March 29, 2017

Good news has come from ROKETSAN's Long-Range Antitank Missile (UMTAS), which has been developed to be used on T-129 Atak attack helicopters.
An important milestone has been achieved in the UMTAS Project that was launched to meet Turkey's long-range antitank missile requirement. In 2016, the launcher design verification and qualification tests have been completed along with the Full-Round Missile (TAF) verification tests. According to the information received by C4Defence, TAF qualification and ATAK helicopter integration work were successfully completed on March 15th. From this stage forward, there is no obstacles for the use of UMTAS on Atak Helicopters. ROKETSAN will now begin serial production for UMTAS. UMTASs are used to neutralize tanks from a 8 km range.

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