April 29, 2019

Competition Continues in Hürjet’s Engine
January 1, 202012.7 mm Gatling from MKEK

Mechanical and Chemical Industry Company (Makina ve Kimya Kurumu Endüstrisi Kurumu/MKEK) is developing a 12.7×99 mm Gatling. As part of the project officially titled “Development of Rotating-barrel Weapon System”, the aim is to design indigenous three-barrel guns capable of firing 12.7×99 mm NATO cartridge. A weapon with a high rounds per minute rate will be produced for the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) as a result of the project launched with MKE’s own funds. The weapon will be used on land vehicles, helicopters, naval ships and police stations. According to the information obtained by C4Defence, its range will be 2,000 metres and the gun will be able to fire 1,200 rounds per minute.